Mounted Patrol Riders and Horses

Azle School Officials Call On Global K9 Systems for Firearm Detection Services

November 13th, 2023

Global K9 Systems (GK9), a companion company to A&O Mounted Patrol and KES consulting, has been retained by the Azle Independent School District to provide canine security. GK9, one of the few private firearm detection canine security companies in the U.S., specializes in firearm detection, but also can provide detection services for explosives, drugs, and other substances.

The highly trained detection dogs sniff out and locate concealed firearms, ammunition, drugs, and explosives. They also can detect gunpowder, gunpowder residue, cleaning solvents, and oils. These dogs have a keen sense of smell allowing them to detect the unique scents emitted by explosive devices and their components, even in concealed or hard-to-reach areas like school lockers or backpack compartments.

According to the Riedman, David (2023). K-12 School Shooting Database, gun violence has seen a steady rise since 1966, which has become dramatic in the last three years. In 2021 there were 250 gun incidents in schools; in 2022 there were 305; and data shows that if the current trend continues, there will be 343 in 2023. As of November 13, 2023, there were already 299 shootings.

School district officials are taking several actions to bring better public safety to their students. The Texas state legislature mandated all school campuses to have at least one armed person on campus at all times. HB 3 requires each school board to determine the appropriate number of armed security officers for each district campus and, absent a good cause exception, ensure at least one armed security officer–specifically, a commissioned peace officer–is present during regular school hours at each campus.

Along with these required measures, Azle school leaders are calling on GK9 to provide an additional layer of security by screening for guns, narcotics, explosives and other devices or substances that can cause harm. Traditional metal detectors can sometimes miss firearms because of the size, or because a good portion of the firearm is made from polymer versus metal. The canines can locate the target “odor” on a specific person who can then be isolated and further searched. GKS dogs are all strictly single purpose dogs that are socialized and capable of working in crowded environments. Too, dogs act as a visual deterrent. When young people see searches being done, they may think twice about bringing a firearm to school.

Frank Keller, founder and CEO of Global K9 Systems, praised Azle school officials for recognizing the need for a multi-layered security plan. He said, “Unfortunately, the statistics show the crucial need for firearm detection measures on school campuses. School shootings are predicted to triple from 2020 to year-end 2023. In 2020 there were 115; predictions estimate 343 for 2023. Students deserve every possible effort to be made for their safety. We believe these remarkable dogs can reduce those numbers and save lives.”

Global K9 Systems is the newest of the Alpha & Omega family of security companies (along with Alpha & Omega Mounted Security Patrol and Kel Executive Security) founded by Frank Keller more than 35 years ago. Our canine detection teams consist of retired law enforcement personnel as handlers and our highly trained detection canines which can assist in the prevention and deterrence of criminal activity at any venue. During the event, our K9 teams provide visual deterrence and identify potential hazards.