Mounted Patrol Riders and Horses

Alpha & Omega Mounted Patrol Commemorates 30 Years of Business

July 22nd, 2020

2020 also marks the company’s 27th year of serving as mounted patrol for The Woodlands Township

(Southlake & The Woodlands, TX) — Frank Keller, CEO of Alpha & Omega Mounted Patrol, announced that the company is commemorating its 30th anniversary. Serving North America, A&O is the United States’ oldest and largest private mounted patrol. When crowds are able to gather, the company provides special patrol services to festivals such as Bonnaroo Music Festival, Coachella, Stagecoach, and other notable events. Year-round, A&O serves The Woodlands Township in Texas, creating a critical network of crime deterrence and safety alongside the county’s sheriff’s department and other local law enforcement.

Trooper Dot Moreno engaging with a visitor of The Woodlands.

“For the past three decades, we have had the honor of providing public safety services at mass gatherings including music festivals, Business Improvement Districts, shopping centers, amphitheaters, sports venues, and other event facilities,” said Mr. Keller. “It is a privilege to be a trusted member of communities and organizations, and it’s an honor to serve The Woodlands Township for 27 years and counting.”

A&O Mounted Patrol 30th Anniversary Providing Mounted Security at Desert Trip 2016
Troopers making their way through the campsite of Desert Trip in 2016.

According to the company, the global pandemic has temporarily shuttered large group gatherings, but A&O continues to be an important part of The Woodlands Township network of safety. And, given the natural height of horses, the mounted patrol troopers are always achieving the recommended social distance practice of being more than 6 feet away from others, which allows A&O to stay safe while keeping The Woodlands’ citizens safe.

“Our mounted patrol in The Woodlands complements the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department and other local law enforcement, providing a visible crime deterrent while creating an atmosphere of safety and comfort.”

Frank Keller

“As the eyes and ears of local law enforcement, we help prevent or interrupt crime in this area, providing thousands of law enforcement and security assists each year. In fact, of all the data we track, the top two activities are safety escorts (hundreds of thousands annually) and horse pettings (over 90,000 annually). We have thousands of positive interactions with the citizens of The Woodlands Township every single day, signifying the public’s deep trust and fondness for our troopers and horses. We’re so thankful to be a part of The Woodlands Township community.”

About Alpha & Omega Mounted Patrol

Founded in 1990 by Frank Keller, Alpha & Omega Mounted Patrol provides highly visible crime deterrence to special patrol services and public safety services at mass gatherings including music festivals, Business Improvement Districts, shopping centers, amphitheaters, sports venues, and other event facilities. Major event festivals include notable events such as Bonnaroo Music Festival, Coachella, Stagecoach, and others. Year-round, A&O – a pioneer of modern-day mounted patrol – serves The Woodlands Township in Texas as a complement to the county’s sheriff’s department. To learn more, to request services, or to become an A&O Trooper, please visit the company’s website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages.